A software update to solve wireless network connectivity issues with some iPads will be forthcoming from Apple, but the company has not offered a time frame for the fix.
In an updated support document on the Apple site, the company says: “A very small number of iPad users have experienced issues with Wi-Fi connectivity. This article outlines workarounds for these issues. Apple will also address remaining Wi-Fi connectivity issues with a future iPad software update.”
Apple did not respond to a request for amplification on the matter.
As I reported in Gadgetwise last month — days after the Wi-Fi iPad went on sale on April 3 — Apple acknowledged that iPad user may have problems connecting over third-party routers, and that, “under certain conditions, iPad may not automatically rejoin a known Wi-Fi network after restart or waking from sleep.” The annoyances include weak Wi-Fi signals or the inability to connect to a network.
While router issues were to blame for some problems, the troubleshooting tips currently posted on the Apple Web site and the prospect of a downloadable fix indicate that the trouble is also related to iPad software.
Among Apple’s suggestions for do-it-yourself resolutions for iPad owners are to insure that the router’s firmware is up to date, increase the screen brightness control if brightness is set to a low level, and try using WPA or WPA2 settings for wireless security encryption, since WEP settings are older and less efficient.
China Mobile interested in bringing Apple iPad to China
China's dominant mobile carrier, is interested in selling Apple's iPad tablet computer in China, the company's chairman said.
The company was also talking to Apple about developing a next-generation iPhone that runs on TD-SCDMA, the home-grown third-generation (3G) mobile standard being used by China Mobile, Chairman Wang Jianzhou said at the company's annual shareholder meeting on Wednesday.
China Mobile announced on Tuesday that it had set up a unit in Taiwan, paving the way for its long-stalled purchase of a 12 percent stake in Taiwanese mobile carrier Far EasTone.
The company was also talking to Apple about developing a next-generation iPhone that runs on TD-SCDMA, the home-grown third-generation (3G) mobile standard being used by China Mobile, Chairman Wang Jianzhou said at the company's annual shareholder meeting on Wednesday.
China Mobile announced on Tuesday that it had set up a unit in Taiwan, paving the way for its long-stalled purchase of a 12 percent stake in Taiwanese mobile carrier Far EasTone.
Ipad can't be alone for along time !
Google/Verizon Tablet: Android-based tablet is going to compete with the iPad.
Google and Verizon Wireless are working on an tablet together. That bit of scuttlebutt comes from a pretty well-connected source: Verizon Wireless CEO Lowell McAdam, who spilled the beans to the Wall Street Journal today. The device will run the Android OS, and that's about all we know about it so far-but Verizon says it'll have more details later this week. (And maybe Google will have something to say at its I|O conference next week.)
This gizmo will, of course, compete with Apple's iPad. It joins the land rush of would-be iPad killers that don't actually exist yet (and, in some cases, may never exist).
Google and Verizon Wireless are working on an tablet together. That bit of scuttlebutt comes from a pretty well-connected source: Verizon Wireless CEO Lowell McAdam, who spilled the beans to the Wall Street Journal today. The device will run the Android OS, and that's about all we know about it so far-but Verizon says it'll have more details later this week. (And maybe Google will have something to say at its I|O conference next week.)
This gizmo will, of course, compete with Apple's iPad. It joins the land rush of would-be iPad killers that don't actually exist yet (and, in some cases, may never exist).
Does iPad has problems with wireless communication !?

Does iPad has problems width wireless communication !?
iPad will be commercialised in 10 countries this month
May be its too early to talk about evaluating the Apple's iPade and its compatibility with the Arab market, because the device has not been raised for commercialization outside the United States, but the problem match the specifications of wireless connectivity in the device with the regulations in force in some countries call for a halt.
Although the overall impression left by the device when users via Web sites and blogs was positive, it appeared some of the problems often associated with the first version of any device or system.
Most important of these problems were related to wireless communication - a key feature in any iPade - both in the United States or abroad, in the United States, the problem of disconnection and weak signal reception for the network card integrated with the device.
And wireless 802.11 a three criteria is that the lobby Ji (n, g, b) The difference between them is an area of coverage and data transfer speed, where the device to select one of these versions of the wireless transmission automatically based on signal strength and the type of network card.
But in the case of any ThinkPad does not device so when you reconnect, and to solve this problem temporarily requested the manufacturer users to identify the network name is different for each version.
Outside the United States has emerged the problem of match and harmonize the force signal with the standard the U.S., although the communication standards of the European (802.11 a, g, n) using the same frequencies, the strength of signal of the standard itself is less than in states that adopt European standards, which may lead to prevent the use of the device in these countries.
Specifications and standards
Israel was the first countries that had prevented the entry of any ipade - Although the power of attorney manufacturer (Apple) owned HEMI Perez I'm the President of Israel - under the pretext that the strength of signal of the device can be confusing to other communication devices associated with the defense systems, but returned and let the device without giving any explanations .
To avoid the problem of matching specifications assumed in the product to get a certificate from the body competent to do so in each country so as to allow negotiable, but the after the rapid spread of Internet and communication devices over wireless networks States have become dependent on the commitment of manufacturers specifications and standards without being examined organs before authorizing use.
Will present the device in the markets of nine countries - not Arab - in 28 of the current month, and we'll see then how identical specifications of those versions of the regulations and specifications of States that would be delivered by Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain, Switzerland and Britain.
Order your 3G IPAD
The U.S. Apple Store has been updated by Apple, if you are in the U.S., you can now order a iPad 3G for delivery from May 7

For users who IPAD already pre-ordered their pad touch the apple will end April.
Questions? Just ask. Talk with a knowledgeable Apple specialist. Call 1-800-MY-APPLE
Select your iPad.
For users who IPAD already pre-ordered their pad touch the apple will end April.
Questions? Just ask. Talk with a knowledgeable Apple specialist. Call 1-800-MY-APPLE
Select your iPad.
Adobe AIR operating on the iPad
Adobe AIR operating on the iPad
A team member from Adobe, Christian Cantrell, won a multi-screen AIR application that runs on the IPAD. Adobe indicates that performance is pretty impressive, seems to be about 2 times the performance of the iPhone 3Gs.
A team member from Adobe, Christian Cantrell, won a multi-screen AIR application that runs on the IPAD. Adobe indicates that performance is pretty impressive, seems to be about 2 times the performance of the iPhone 3Gs.
iPad deny the two American Campus
Two major U.S. universities are refusing iPad on their campus. For the George Washington University and Princeton University, the iPad could jeopardize their computer system and would not provide enough means of network security.
For Cornell University, the iPad could overload the network, bandwidth demand. These are bad news for the IPAD that could be considered a bag of students in class.
For Cornell University, the iPad could overload the network, bandwidth demand. These are bad news for the IPAD that could be considered a bag of students in class.
AutoSHSH save SHSH IPAD 3.2, one click
AutoSHSH save SHSH IPAD 3.2, one click

f0rcast tool to find your device, and EBRI proposed another handy utility called AutoSHSH. Last week we wrote a tutorial on how to save SHSH IPAD 3.2 which deal with steps to get your SHSH 3.2. AutoSHSH tool will ease life for all those interested in entering their SHSH for their devices with a single click.
For those who do not respect this. Apple has added new security system called the th ECID. On the iPhone 3G, the iPod touch 3G, the 2G Pod ™ and also IPAD.

f0rcast tool to find your device, and EBRI proposed another handy utility called AutoSHSH. Last week we wrote a tutorial on how to save SHSH IPAD 3.2 which deal with steps to get your SHSH 3.2. AutoSHSH tool will ease life for all those interested in entering their SHSH for their devices with a single click.
For those who do not respect this. Apple has added new security system called the th ECID. On the iPhone 3G, the iPod touch 3G, the 2G Pod ™ and also IPAD.
Make calls from your Skype IPAD

Make calls from your Skype IPAD
the iPad has no phone service yet, But Skype works perfectly for making and receiving calls via the iPad. Belgium-iPhone tested with and without earphone (the iPad has microphone located next to the location 3.5mm) and they report that it works perfectly! With the arrival of the iPad WiFi + 3G we could spend apples from the exterior.
Truphone, VoIP this to Apple iPad

Truphone is the first VoIP application IPAD be accepted into the App Store. The big question, however, is whether or not you can make VoIP calls over 3G IPAD. The press release is vague on the issue.
Analysts estimate that Apple pre-sold more than 150,000 iPad on its first day, with 2010 sales on track to reach 4 million, "said Geraldine Wilson, CEO of Truphone." Each device has Wi- Fi, and soon 3G connectivity. It is a natural choice for Truphone, which has a long history of giving to the iPod Touch and iPhone a wide range of new options to stay in touch. We are excited by opportunity to extend our range of practical, reliable, quality voice capabilities and high instant messaging services for owners IPAD.
And I followed with Truphone RA who say they can not get a response after the weekend. If so, this would be a very interesting proposal. Not just for IPAD. And if Apple releases a 3G iPod Touch in September? Why buy an iPhone at this point?
Some people might want to completely abandon their phones.
Truphone allows owners of Apple iPad IP voice
The Apple Tablet is also a telephone
London, April 2, 2010 - Truphone, the mobile operator worldwide, today announced the availability of its application, which offers thousands of Apple iPad customers the ability to make voice calls. The company's award-winning VoIP application transforms businesses tablet device in a mobile phone that offers free or low cost international calls and advanced features that include instant messaging contacts of a user across multiple IM networks.
Truphone was the first to officially launch a VoIP caller mobile application for the iPhone and Apple platforms iPod Touch, and the company continues to lead with the launch of Truphone for IPAD.
The Truphone application iPad offers its customers free calls to other Truphone users and Google Talk when you're connected via Wi-Fi, and international calls to mobile and fixed phones for as little as 5 cents per minute . Truphone for iTablet also offers an unlimited calling plan and free voicemail.
The application also provides a combination of Truphone's email contacts list showing the status of lines and the presence, with an innovative, multi-chat interface IM for AIM, Google Talk, and MSN users - enabling customers to easily stay on top of their list of contacts without having to open multiple windows.
Truphone offers a consistent experience and high quality phone calls through the use of innovative software and premium voice routing partners.
About Truphone
Truphone gives people living single international telephone services without borders that simplify communication and reduce significantly the cost of homelessness and the consolidated appeal.
Founded in 2006, the company uses innovation to drive the convenience and cost. First Truphone include: downloadable applications that allow smart phones and other mobile devices to make free calls over WiFi networks, smart technology based SIM card that makes each local call, and more.
The company's flagship product, Truphone Anywhere local, terminates the requirements for international visitors to make several phones or SIM cards for each country. Using patented technology, intelligent SIM, the Truphone Anywhere local service provides users with phone numbers for every single place where they spend time - creating a local presence and eliminating the need for friends, family and colleagues to make costly international calls to communicate.
Truphone SIM applications and intelligent support all major mobile platforms and devices, including BlackBerry, iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, Nokia E and N series, and Android.
Important Information
Truphone does not replace a standard telephone service and emergency calls can be made using Truphone. However Truphone does not prevent emergency calls are made through a combination of normal cellular service provider. Truphone can not advise on the legality of VoIP services in specific territories or jurisdictions. It is for the user to confirm that the use of the Truphone VoIP software and service is permitted in the place where they use it.
Apple and iPod are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the United States and other countries. Google is a trademark of Google Inc. Wi-Fi is a registered trademark of the Wi-Fi Alliance. Google and Android are trademarks of Google Inc. Truphone is a registered trademark of Software Cellular Network Ltd. All other trademarks, product names, company names, trademarks and service marks are the property of their respective owners.
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