
iPad eBooks/iBooks Publication Application Development

iPad eBooks/iBooks Publication Application Development

iPad  eBooks/iBooks Publication Application/Software Development

With its newly unveiled iPad tablet PC, Apple has also showcased its latest application - an eBook reader, iBooks. iBooks allows you to find, buy and download eBooks right to the iPad. iBooks also allows you to change fonts, browse a table of contents, flip pages, drag pages, and so on.

After revealing the Apple iPad to the world, the developers seek to revolutionalize eBook publishing as well. With the advanced concept of enabling books to be downloaded there has been a surge in the number of e-readers and though, the iPad is going to hit the stores some time later, it is already changing the eBook concept. An iPad tablet, larger than an iPhone but smaller than a laptop is one of the major contenders in the publishing industry today.

With its outstanding features and undeniable reach, it is believed the Apple iPad tablet will do for the publishing industry what the iPod and iTunes did to the music industry in 2001. By creating a new category of device, the computing giant intends to reshape the world looks at books and become the primary distributor of eBooks worldwide, in the same way it transformed music.

Our iPad eBooks Publication Application Developers at IADI have been groomed to develop incredibly amazing iPad eBooks Publishing Applications for our publisher clients. We help you build personalized iPad eBooks Publication Applications for publishing your books. If you are an aspiring author and are thinking about publishing your book or eBook as an iPad Tablet application, contact us today itself. Get your iPad eBook publication application prepared and provide an experience that is hard for a standalone reader to ever match.

As, Apple iPad tablet writes a new chapter for eBooks, recreate a new way of publishing whether you're an author and your book is already published or if you are an aspiring author looking for a publisher. As the iPad tablet offers publishers a chance to come up with enhanced eBooks that contain images, links, background material, embedded audio and even video, we create iPad eBooks Publication Applications with features for all possible customizations. We create applications that allow you to customize many parts of your iPad eBook, including options for font, feature for bookmarking, adding text notes, voice notes etc.

As leading iPad application developers, know what it takes to build an exciting eBook publication application. Contact Us. to know more information on our iPad eBook publication application development or submit your details to a get a free quote for building an iPad eBook publication application.

2 commentaires:

  1. iBooks is my favorite application on my iPad. Reading eBooks becomes this way a real and traditional experience. Truly amazing!

  2. Really a very nice post! It’s something I have never thought about, really, but it makes a whole lot of sense. Thanks for sharing the valuable information regarding ipad development.
